Leaders in Future Trends (LIFT)

Team Introduction

To strengthen Taiwan's position in the current global competition for talents and respond to the demand for scientific research manpower in Taiwan as well as support the government's Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program and Industrial Innovation policies, the National Science and Technology Council initiated the Leaders in Future Trends (LIFT 1.0) Program in 2017. With the goals of stimulating industrial innovation and fostering technological advancement, LIFT program seeks to attract overseas Taiwanese talents back home to contribute their expertise.

Built on the foundation of LIFT 1.0, the 2020 LIFT Program 2.0 provides a platform for facilitating talent-mapping for overseas talents and Taiwan’s industrial and research institutions. The Program finances overseas talents with round-trip airfare and free board and lodging in Taiwan for them to attend the annual LIFT O2O Conference, where they can meet in-person with domestic firms and research institutions to discover employment opportunities in Taiwan.