STPI Celebrates the 40th Anniversary on September 12, 2014 2014.09.12

STPI is 40 years old! On September 12, STPI holds a birthday reception and invites representatives from government, industry and academic sectors to join the celebration and share the joy.  Deputy Minister of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Chung-Liang Chien and the President of National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs) Ching-Hua Lo both participated in the reception. Several former STPI Director Generals including Dr. Dao-Xing Ma, Mr. Chin-Long Liu, Dr. Pe-Cheng Wang and Dr. Yeong-Her Wang also join the party, meet their former colleagues and chat about the history of STPI.  4 presentations are arranged in the reception in order to introduce STPI’s latest achievements to the distinguished guests. 

 In addition to the birthday reception, STPI also holds a series of festivities including STPI achievements presentation, the “Workshop on Research Capability and Industrialization” as well as “2014 International Conference of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Policy and Regulation”.  These activities are held in Taipei until November.  Please visit STPI website for more information. 
